Benefits of Vascular Society Membership
The Society represents and provides professional support for over 600 members, including vascular surgeons, vascular radiologists and others involved in independent vascular practices in Great Britain and Ireland. Membership of the Society is widely recognised in the vascular community as a mark of professional achievement.
The advantages of membership of the Vascular Society include:
- The VSGBI represents vascular specialists nationally and helps drive policy through its relations with Royal Colleges, other related professional Societies (e.g. BSIR) and the Department of Health. Members have access to the Executive and Council who prepare and enable these policies.
- The VSGBI promotes vascular training, runs training courses and has lobbied for positions such as the post CCT Fellowships, and the Endovascular Fellowships.
- The VSGBI organises specialist courses and meetings delivered locally, together with an annual meeting with scientific and political updates.
- The VSGBI publishes virtual educational resources which are available to members found HERE.
- The VSGBI publishes a quarterly journal The Journal of the Vascular Societies of Great Britain and Ireland which is available to its member.
- The VSGBI publishes policy documents and quality improvement resources which are available on its website.
- The VSGBI together with HQIP and the clinical effectiveness unit (CEU) at the RCS London maintains the National Vascular Registry, the principal outcomes database for vascular interventions in the UK and Ireland (and for the NHS AAA Screening Programme).
- The Society’s Professional Standards Committee, (PSC) offers support to individuals and hospitals. For further information follow this LINK to the Council and Committees page. Details of the support and advice scheme are given in the Professional Standards Committee section.
- VS members can enjoy ESVS membership at a discounted rate of almost 30%. To become an ESVS member or renew your ESVS membership click on the 'payment and subscriptions' button below, then enter your Vascular Society membership USER NAME and PASSWORD.
ESVS discounted membership rates
Please contact if you are unable to access the members area of the portal.
Once you are a member of the ESVS you can enjoy the following benefits:
- Free access to incredible resources : EJVES, ESVS E-Library, Masterclass, Webinars, Virtual Vascular Textbook, Podcasts
- Discounts on registration for Academy educational events, Translational Spring Meeting, Annual Meeting
- Discount on EJVES Vascular Forum article processing charges and print EJVES
- *NEW discounted online JVS Journal of Vascular Surgery (73€ for annual subscription) and JVS : Venous and Lymphatic Disorders (21,50€ for annual subscription)
- *NEW Vascular Forum publishing grants
- VSGBI members can take advantage of this offer by visiting the members area of the website and visit the payments and subscription area below:
- The Vascular Society is an associate partner of the BJS. This entitles VS members to a reduced BJS online subscription for £25 / €27. An online subscription to BJS gives you instant access to content directly from your desktop or mobile device:
- Instant access to important general surgery research from around the globe
- Read issues back to 1998
- Access the top-cited and most popular papers
- Get the latest articles ahead of the print issue with Advance Articles
- View articles in HTML or PDF
- Search by keywords, author, and much more
- Get the latest articles delivered direct to your desktop or mobile device with Content Alerting
To purchase your discounted online BJS subscription, visit 'subscriptions and payments'.
For more information visit the BJS website HERE
The Society places great importance on the needs and welfare of our Members, and is available to contact Monday to Friday 9am-5pm (02072057150) or email
Find out which membership category you belong to