Specialty, Associate specialist and LED
The SAS and LED doctors are a group of well experienced members of the medical team that contribute immensely to patient care in vascular surgery.
The Vascular Society would like to recognise the invaluable contribution that doctors working in SAS roles provide within the vascular multi-disciplinary team. The importance of the training, recognition and well-being of SAS doctors working in vascular surgery is part of the remit of the Society’s Workforce and Education committees.
ASPIRE Digital is open to all Society members and SAS surgeons have been accommodated onto ASPIRE courses.
Definitions of surgeons working in SAS roles are as found below with relevant links:
Specialty doctor
● Shall have full registration and a Licence to Practise with the General Medical Council; and
● Shall have completed at least four years’ full-time postgraduate training (or its equivalent gained on a part-time or flexible basis) at least two of which will be in a specialty training programme in a relevant specialty or as a fixed term specialty trainee in a relevant specialty; or
● Shall have equivalent experience and competencies
Specialist doctor
● Shall have full registration and a Licence to Practise with the General Medical Council; and
● Shall have completed a minimum of 12 years’ medical work (either continuous period or in aggregate) since obtaining a primary medical qualification of which a minimum of six years should have been in a relevant specialty in the Specialty Doctor and/or closed SAS grades. Equivalent years’ experience in a relevant specialty from other medical grades including from overseas will also be accepted.
● Shall meet the criteria set out in the Specialist grade generic capabilities framework.
Locally employed doctor (LED)
Also known as trust grades, and including other job titles such as clinical fellow. They are employed directly by trust on individual contracts (rather than a nationally agreed one as per SAS)
SAS Contract: https://www.bma.org.uk/pay-and-contracts/contracts/sas-doctor-contract/sas-contract
SAS Charter: https://www.bma.org.uk/pay-and-contracts/contracts/sas-doctor-contract/the-sas-charter