Become a Member
Fill in the application form below and submit your payment to join our society. You will have the opportunity to create a full profile once you have joined. We reserve the right to suspend/cancel your account and refund your payment at our discretion.
The information you enter here (apart from your email and password) will NOT be editable once you join, so please double check your form before clicking submit. Any future changes to these fields will need to be sent to the Vascular Society office.
If you do not have access to an email address, please arrange for your account to be set up by the Vascular Society office staff.
* required
Professional Details
Please provide us with the names and email addresses of two Ordinary members of the Society who will approve your membership.
Reference 1
Reference 2
Your CV
Please provide a PDF document of your most recent CV.
* required
Login Details
Membership Details
Applications for Ordinary membership of the Society shall normally be restricted to Specialists at a level equivalent to Consultant in independent vascular practice; of good professional standing; on the Specialist Registers of the General Medical Councils of Great Britain and Ireland; and living and working in Great Britain and Ireland. Prospective ordinary membership should be proposed by two current ordinary members of the Society who are asked to ascertain that the applicant has an established vascular practice. Nominations will be considered by the Council. Applicants satisfying the above criteria can be admitted to membership.
Applications for Overseas membership of the Society can be offered to recognised vascular specialists (as determined by Council on a case by case basis); and living or working overseas. Overseas members will be required to pay a subscription equivalent to half that of ordinary membership. Nominations will be considered by Council. Applications fulfilling the above criteria may be admitted to membership.
Vascular Specialists in training, living and working in Great Britain and Ireland, may apply Affiliate membership of the Society, if sponsored by two Ordinary members of the Society. Nominations will be considered by Council. Applications fulfilling the above criteria may be admitted to membership.
This category of membership will be available to Specialists in vascular practice in non-consultant career grades, living and working in Great Britain and Ireland. Prospective Associate Members should be proposed by two Ordinary members. Nominations will be considered by Council. Applications satisfying the above criteria may be admitted to membership.
Donation Preference
A regular donation of £50.00 to the Circulation Foundation, the UK's only dedicated vascular charity, will be automatically added to your membership price.
If you would like to opt-out of making a donation then please choose 'I do not wish to make a donation' from the options shown below:
For more information about the work of the Circulation Foundation please click here.
Gift Aid
Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate.
Gift Aid is reclaimed by the charity from the tax you pay for the current tax year. Your address will be used to identify you as a current UK taxpayer.
In order to Gift Aid your donation, please tick the box below:
I want to Gift Aid my donation of £50.00 and any donations I make in the future or have made in the past 4 years to the Circulation Foundation.
I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference.
Publication Consent
Opportunities may arise for the Vascular Society to share your contact details (name, hospital, postal and e-mail address) with corporate sponsors or other third parties which we think may be of interest to you. If you have objection to this please indicate in the box and we will amend our records.
Your Privacy
Please ensure your details are correct before continuing as you cannot edit them once submitted. Uncheck the box below and click the button to continue with your application.
Please uncheck this box to continue