Membership Categories
The Society represents and provides professional support for over 600 members, including vascular surgeons, vascular radiologists and others involved in independent vascular practices in Great Britain and Ireland. Membership of the Society is widely recognised in the vascular community as a mark of professional achievement.
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Applications for Ordinary membership of the Society shall normally be restricted to Specialists at a level equivalent to Consultant in independent vascular practice; of good professional standing; on the Specialist Registers of the General Medical Councils of Great Britain and Ireland; and living and working in Great Britain and Ireland. Prospective ordinary membership should be proposed by two current ordinary members of the Society who are asked to ascertain that the applicant has an established vascular practice. Nominations will be considered by the Council. Applicants satisfying the above criteria can be admitted to membership.
Price per year: £300.00
Applications for Overseas membership of the Society can be offered to recognised vascular specialists (as determined by Council on a case by case basis); and living or working overseas. Overseas members will be required to pay a subscription equivalent to half that of ordinary membership. Nominations will be considered by Council. Applications fulfilling the above criteria may be admitted to membership.
Price per year: £115.00
Vascular Specialists in training, living and working in Great Britain and Ireland, may apply Affiliate membership of the Society, if sponsored by two Ordinary members of the Society. Nominations will be considered by Council. Applications fulfilling the above criteria may be admitted to membership.
Price per year: £115.00
This category of membership will be available to Specialists in vascular practice in non-consultant career grades, living and working in Great Britain and Ireland. Prospective Associate Members should be proposed by two Ordinary members. Nominations will be considered by Council. Applications satisfying the above criteria may be admitted to membership.
Price per year: £140.00
This category of membership is available to previous Members of the Society who have retired from NHS surgical practice.
Price per year: £45.00
Honorary Membership may be offered, under exceptional circumstances, at the discretion of the Council, to any doctor who has made an outstanding contribution, either to vascular practice or to The Vascular Society. Nominations will be considered at the Annual General Meeting.
Price per year: £0.00
Lifetime Achievement Award
Price per year: £0.00
Pending Ordinary
Price per year: £0.00