The British Lymphology Society are delighted to announce The Annual Conference Of 2019
This will take place at Yarnfield Park Training & Conference Centre, Staffordshire, on Monday 7th October & Tuesday 8th October 2019. There will also be a 'Meet The Exhibitors' Evening Buffet from 7pm - 8pm (Registration from 5pm), before the conference, on Sunday 6th October.
The British Lymphology Society Are Delighted To Announce The Annual Conference Of 2019. Click Here to book now and for more Information Early Bird Booking Rate - Available until 31st May 2019.
Don't forget to enter your BLS membership number where prompted to get your membership discount! If you have not yet renewed your membership, or if your renewal payment has not yet been received, your membership number will not activate the discount, so please renew first and allow up to 7 days for your account to be updated, before booking your conference place.
Educational Grant Applications
We are pleased to announce that this year the following BLS Corporate Partners have made charitable donations which will enable the BLS to be in a position to offer a limited number of conference places to BLS members: Haddenham Healthcare Ltd, Essity T/A BSN medical Ltd, L&R Medical UK Ltd, medi UK Ltd, Sigvaris Britain Ltd and Dermatonics Ltd.
A BLS funded conference place will include attendance to the whole conference, including gala dinner but will not cover travel or accommodation. In order to apply you must be a current BLS member (paid) at the time of submitting the application.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are a Macmillan Professional there is an expectation that you will apply for funding to attend the BLS 2019 Conference via Macmillan. If you state on the application form that you are a Macmillan Professional and that you have already used your full educational allocation for the year and therefore cannot apply for funding to attend the BLS Conference from Macmillan, it will be necessary to supply evidence to support your application.
If you are an RCN Member you may be able to apply for funding from the RCN Foundation Professional Bursary Scheme Click Here , closing date 31st May 2019.
Applications for Educational Grant places will close on 15th May 2019, you will be notified as to whether your application has been successful by 7th June 2019.
If you are applying for an Educational Grant place please DO NOT BOOK your place until you know if you have been awarded a place.
Click Here To Apply For An Educational Grant Place Now!
Call for abstracts for oral and poster presentations at the British Lymphology Society Annual Conference 7-8th October 2019
The BLS Scientific Committee welcomes abstract submissions for oral or poster presentations for this year’s conference.
Visit Call For Abstracts on the BLS website.
Please read the "guidelines for submitting submitting an abstract for the 2018 BLS conference "before preparing your submission.
“Top Tips for Submitting an Abstract for the BLS Annual Conference” also contains helpful information.
Further guidance is available from:
Beverley de Valois, Chair of the BLS Scientific Committee (
BLS Committee Members – see the BLS website
Electronic submission abstracts can be submitted from Monday 1st April to Friday 24th May 2019. Submission is electronically via the Oxford Abstract system. This can be accessed: Via the BLS website using this link or directly using this link
Organised by: The British Lymphology Society