CEA / CAS in the management of Ocular Ischaemic Syndrome - Survey
08 October 2020
Dear Vascular Consultant,
My name is Harry Sharples and I am a medical student, currently intercalating in Biomedical Sciences and Translational Medicine at the University of Liverpool. I am currently involved in a project assessing the role of Carotid Endarterectomy or Carotid Stenting (CEA / CAS) in the management of Ocular Ischaemic Syndrome (OIS), supervised by Mr R Chandrasekar, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Countess of Chester Hospital, and Mr B Ramasamy, Consultant in Vitreo-Retinal Surgery, Wirral University Teaching Hospitals.
The role of CEA / CAS has been recognised by Retinal specialists as a modality of treatment of OIS, in selected patients with high grade carotid artery stenosis. Amaurosis Fugax is a well-recognised indication CEA / CAS. However it is unclear whether there is a recognition, amongst the Vascular Surgical fraternity, of the role of CEA / CAS In the management of OIS. As part of the project, I am conducting this survey to gauge the opinion of the members of the Vascular Society in this subject.
I would be very grateful if you could complete the survey, by clicking the following link:
Honestly, it should take less than 5 minutes to complete the survey! I thank you in anticipation.