Vascular Research Priorities Survey Round 2
05 November 2020
It’s here! Vascular research priorities survey round 2 – please share with your patients.
Please can you help to ensure your Vascular unit and your patients are represented by helping to promote the research prioritisation second round survey to your vascular patients and carers.
Patients with any vascular condition are invited to rate a list of proposed research questions, based on what is important to them. These questions were generated by patients and carers themselves in an earlier round of survey. They have been analysed, summarised and duplication removed, in preparation for this prioritisation round of survey.
What can I do to help? There are lots of ways you can help. To find out more land to help spread the word look HERE
The success of this project absolutely depends on the involvement of all UK vascular units and all vascular specialists in helping us to reach as many different vascular patients as possible. We really appreciate your help.