BBC News Survey
19 January 2021
BBC News is carrying out research into the experiences of BAME doctors during the coronavirus pandemic, given that many of them have been disproportionately impacted by the virus. We are interested in finding out how their experiences compare during the first, second and current waves of the virus, and whether doctors feel better protected now as a result of Covid-19 workplace risk assessments. We also ask about the human toll of the virus on doctors’ mental and physical health, and whether doctors have experienced bullying and discrimination during the pandemic.
BBC News have drawn up a short, anonymous questionnaire which we are inviting BAME doctors to complete. The data will be held in accordance with GDPR rules and will not be forwarded on within or outside of the BBC. The findings will be used to inform a report for the BBC's national TV and Radio News programmes, as well as our Online platforms.
The deadline for submitting responses is 23.59 on 31st January 2021.
Should you require any further information, or would like to get in touch in confidence about your experiences, please contact Amara Sophia Elahi at the BBC:
The survey can be accessed here: