Venous Registry Press Release
18 November 2021
BSIR R&A Committee is pleased to announce that the BSIR venous registry has now been relaunched and it is again possible to enter patient data.
This registry is intended to capture data on venous interventions, primarily for the treatment of lower limb DVT. NICE IPG651 (2019) recommends that the details of all patients undergoing mechanical thrombectomy should be entered into the registry
Overview | Percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy for acute deep vein thrombosis of the leg | Guidance | NICE
You will need to request new user access. Links to obtain these are included below and are also available on the BSIR and VS websites. The registry is run by Netsolving via the Casecapture platform.
BSIR Venous Registry | BSIR
Direct access to the registry
The registry was suspended to resolve and clarify patient consent for data retention. That process has now been completed. Further details are available on the BSIR website. The consent forms and patient information leaflets are available to download from the BSIR, VS and Casecapture websites.