MODAMP Study Consultant Questionnaire
18 February 2022
MOdern Practice of Diabetic Foot sAMPling, protocols, pathways, treatments and techniques: A Consultant questionnaire: MODAMP study
Diabetic foot disease is central to our current vascular practice. However, published literature on tissue and bone sampling to aid treatment strategies is poorly reported and confusing.
With this short survey, we aim to clarify current practice and protocols of intra-operative bone and tissue sampling in diabetic foot disease across Great Britain and Ireland.
To incentivise your response and encourage a breadth of data there are a number of iPad's (one per 100 participants) up for grabs in a raffle. Winners will be selected at random using a two-step verification process. For those wishing to take part in the raffle, we will collect an email address at the end of the survey. The draw will take place on the recently extended date of 28th February 2022. All survey data will be anonymised.
Anna Murray & Mike Wall look forward to your response
On behalf of VaRICS (Vascular Research and Innovation Consortium)