CESR under the 2021 Curriculum Webinar 08 November 2021
19 April 2022
On 8 November 2021 October JCST held a webinar about CESR under the 2021 Curriculum. JCST now have a video on their JCST website and some FAQs which came out of the webinar. Here are the links.
A YouTube video of a webinar about CESR under the 2021 Curriculum which took place on 08 November 2021.
FAQs arising from the Webinar
CESR FAQs-2021 Curriculum
CESR FAQs-applicable to all versions of the curriculum
In addition we have updated our forms and guidance for CESR under the 2021 Curriculum and they can be found here.https://www.jcst.org/cesr/